Sunday, April 17, 2011


I wanted to join the L.A. Sketchcrawl group at the zoo, but we were daunted by the amount of time and complicated instructions Google Maps told us. Instead, we got a delicious brunch and then went to the Huntington Gardens on our own.
It's close by and seemed simpler to get to. It was simple, but involved a long walk in the hot sun. A very long walk.
I used a very small 3.5x5 inch watercolor sketchbook all day. My scanner seems to be having trouble scanning it...everything seems blurry on the edge. Anyway, here they are. My excuse for drawing Nelson like some sort of weird, grinning imp is that I hadn't eaten breakfast yet!

1 comment:

Oh That's Cool said...

I'm very jealous of your sketching ability! xox